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4 Under-Utilized SEO Research Approaches to Conquer 2024

SEO success

The SEO landscape is constantly evolving, demanding a shift from traditional methods to a more dynamic and data-driven approach. While keyword research remains a cornerstone, there’s a wealth of under-utilized research strategies waiting to be explored. Here are four essential SEO research initiatives to prioritize in 2024 for sustainable, long-term success:

  1. Harnessing the Power of Keyword Trend Analysis

Keyword research isn’t a one-time shot. True SEO dominance lies in understanding how search trends fluctuate and adapting content accordingly. Keyword trend analysis delves deeper than basic search volume, uncovering hidden gems:

  • Identifying New Keyword Opportunities: Traditional research might focus on established keywords. Trend analysis helps unearth emerging search terms with rising popularity. Capitalizing on these early can give you a significant first-mover advantage.
  • Staying Ahead of Shifting Search Intent: Search intent, the underlying reason for a user’s query, can evolve over time. Trend analysis reveals these shifts, allowing you to tailor content to better meet user expectations. Imagine optimizing for “electric cars” in 2010 versus today. The informational needs of searchers have drastically changed.
  • Reassessing Existing Keyword Performance: What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow. Trend analysis helps you identify keywords whose search volume or intent is declining. By proactively refreshing or redirecting content targeting these terms, you prevent SEO stagnation.

Tools and Techniques for Effective Keyword Trend Analysis:

  • Google Trends: This free tool by Google provides insights into search volume fluctuations over time. Use it to compare keywords, identify seasonal trends, and explore related searches.
  • Social Listening Platforms: Tools like Brandwatch or Sprout Social can uncover trending topics and conversations on social media. This can give you a pulse on emerging search interests before they hit mainstream search engines.
  • Competitor Analysis Tools: Tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs allow you to track your competitors’ keyword rankings over time. Analyzing their keyword strategies can reveal trends they’re capitalizing on, giving you a roadmap for your own content planning.

By incorporating trend analysis into your SEO research, you can ensure your content remains relevant and captures new search opportunities as they arise.

  1. The Untapped Potential of Comprehensive Customer Research

SEO isn’t just about ranking high; it’s about connecting with your target audience. Incorporating in-depth customer research into your SEO strategy unlocks a treasure trove of insights:

  • Understanding User Pain Points: What are your customers’ biggest challenges? What questions do they have? By conducting surveys, focus groups, or analyzing customer support interactions, you can identify knowledge gaps and tailor content to address them directly.
  • Uncovering User Language: People don’t always use the same terminology as SEOs. Customer research reveals the natural language your audience uses when searching for information related to your products or services. This allows you to optimize content with the exact keywords and phrases your ideal customers are using.
  • Identifying Long-Tail Keyword Opportunities: Long-tail keywords, more specific and less competitive search terms, are gold for targeted content creation. Customer research helps unearth these long-tail variations based on real user queries, allowing you to create content that directly addresses their specific needs.

Techniques for Effective Customer Research for SEO:

  • Surveys and Questionnaires: Craft targeted surveys or questionnaires to gather insights into user challenges, information needs, and preferred search terms.
  • Social Media Listening: Monitor relevant social media conversations to understand how your audience talks about your industry and the challenges they face.
  • Customer Support Analysis: Analyze customer support queries to identify frequently asked questions and pain points. These can be transformed into high-performing SEO content.

By prioritizing customer research, you ensure your SEO strategy speaks directly to your target audience, fostering stronger connections and driving conversions.

  1. Exploring the Rich Landscape of Non-Search Channels for Content Ideas

Search engines aren’t the only gateway to valuable content inspiration. Looking beyond search can spark creative content ideas that resonate with your audience and establish you as an industry thought leader.

  • Industry Publications and Reports: Stay up-to-date on industry trends by reading white papers, reports, and articles from reputable publications. These resources often highlight emerging topics and pain points you can address in your content.
  • Online Communities and Forums: Active online communities dedicated to your industry are treasure troves of user questions and discussions. Analyze these conversations to identify content gaps and tailor content that addresses specific user needs.
  • Influencer Content Analysis: Industry influencers often discuss trending topics and challenges. Analyzing their content can reveal opportunities to create deeper, more comprehensive content that complements their work and establishes your expertise.

Leveraging Non-Search Channels for SEO Success:

  • Content Topic Brainstorming (Continued): Use insights from non-search channels to brainstorm new blog post ideas, infographics, or video scripts that address the topics and questions users are actively engaging with.
  • Content Authority Building: By creating content that expands on or complements influencer work, you position yourself as a thought leader within your niche. This can lead to backlinks from their websites and increased brand recognition, further boosting your SEO authority.
  1. Strategic SERP Analysis for “Striking Distance” Keywords

Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) hold valuable clues about ranking difficulty and content optimization strategies. But most SEOs focus solely on top-ranking pages. Strategic analysis of “striking distance” keywords, those ranking just outside the top 10, can unlock significant SEO gains.

  • Identifying Low-Hanging Fruit: “Striking distance” keywords often have lower competition but still generate decent search volume. By optimizing existing content or creating new content targeting these terms, you can achieve quick ranking improvements and drive targeted traffic.
  • Understanding User Intent Through Top-Ranking Content: Analyze the top-ranking content for your target “striking distance” keywords. This reveals valuable insights into user intent, content structure, and potential content gaps you can exploit in your own content.
  • Optimizing for Featured Snippets and Knowledge Panels: Capture high-visibility real estate on SERPs by optimizing your content for featured snippets and knowledge panels. Analyze existing results to understand how to structure your content and answer user questions concisely and accurately.

Techniques for Effective SERP Analysis for Striking Distance Keywords:

  • SEO Competitor Analysis Tools: Tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs allow you to analyze the top-ranking content for your target keywords, revealing content length, on-page optimization elements, and potential backlinks.
  • Manual SERP Analysis: While SEO tools provide valuable data, manually analyzing the top 10 results for your target keywords offers deeper insights. Look for content weaknesses, missing information, or opportunities to present a unique perspective.

By incorporating “striking distance” keyword analysis into your SEO research, you can efficiently improve rankings, capture valuable search traffic, and gain a competitive edge.


The SEO landscape is constantly evolving, demanding a multifaceted approach. By incorporating these four under-utilized research tactics – keyword trend analysis, comprehensive customer research, exploration of non-search channels, and strategic SERP analysis – you can develop a data-driven SEO strategy that positions your website for long-term success in 2024 and beyond. Remember, SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. By continuously researching, adapting, and creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience, you’ll establish yourself as a trusted authority and reap the rewards of consistent organic traffic growth.

About the author

SEO and Digital Marketing guru behind SEO First.

