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Kevin Kantola
Just in time for the holidays, Google has launched a limited release of popular song lyrics at the beginning of the search results. Here’s a little test you can try yourself in Google. Type in the popular Christmas song + lyrics, “Grandma got run over by a reindeer lyrics” and you’ll see something like the...
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Google has recently rolled out its beta Contributor program as a test targeted toward about 10 websites. Contributor lets a select group of website visitors block Google ads for $1, $2 or $3 per month with the lion’s share of this going to the website publishers. According to Wired, “The web is funded by ads....
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Google is calling their latest Penguin 3.0 release an algorithm refresh rather than an update. According to Google they didn’t add any new signals to the algorithm but rather cleaned up some old issues from Penguin 2.0. Google broke the story through Search Engine Land that this worldwide rollout had started late on Friday night,...
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Yahoo started as a directory in 1994 and since has evolved into much more. After 20 years of service, however, Yahoo has decided to hand its own directory walking papers. Because of competition from Google and decreased demand for what its directory has to offer users, Marissa Mayer has decided to pull the plug without...
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This week is SharkFest on the National Geographic TV channel and appropriately enough Google has entered into their own battle with real, live sharks. Fiber optic cables, which transmit data across the Pacific Ocean, have been the object of recent shark attacks. One theory is that the sharks are mistaking the electrical impulses from the...
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In May 2014 the European Union declared that its citizens have the right to be forgotten. In other words, many of these citizens don’t want to appear in the search results. So, how about in the U. S.? According to a recent survey on Survey Monkey, 74-percent of adults in the U. S. also want...
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Some people have asked, for the past several years, if the heyday of search is over. And the answer is that for the past 6 months, this apparently has been so. Shareaholic has tracked the organic search traffic to the top 5 search engines from December 2013 through May 2014 and found declines in ALL...
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If you’re a search user who doesn’t like being tracked, you could use the Firefox browser with its no tracking privacy option, or you could go to DuckDuckGo and search away. One of the claims to fame of DuckDuckGo is that it doesn’t track people and share their info with the NSA (what would be...
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Microsoft has just rolled out an interesting feature called “Bing Predictions,” which will predict the outcomes of TV shows like American Idol, The Voice and Dancing with the Stars. Now, what makes this interesting to me is the technology behind these prognostications. According to Bing, “The central idea behind the direct approach is that winners...
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Other the past couple of years many small online businesses have gotten their butts kicked by bigger brands in the Google search results. But, new Panda help is just around the corner. According to Search Engine Watch, “Google is working on a refresh of Panda, a ‘kinder, softer Panda,’ Google’s Distinguished Engineer Matt Cutts announced...
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