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Kevin Kantola
Let me start out by saying that the Boston Marathon bombings were a horrific act of terrorism and cowardice. My hopes and prayers are with the victims. And I hope that the Powers That Be find and bring the perpetrators to justice swiftly. That said, I want to take a moment and switch gears a...
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Google and Microsoft have teamed up to create the first open-source Post-Apocalyptic search engine. The new search engine code named “Bang!” heavily prioritizes results towards the walking dead, cockroaches, preppers and oddly enough Adam Sandler. Bang! took years of preparation and teamwork by the two search giants who are rivals in most cases, but have...
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Okay, so printed dictionaries and encyclopedia are almost ancient with the advent of the Internet. When is the last time you’ve used either? The same goes for the phone book. Search engines, Wikipedia and different spell check software have replaced a lot of print. But what about search engines being better than the FDA in...
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Many Google Adsense publishers have been stressed out over the years at the thought of being terminated from the program for invalid clicks. Well, now Google is considering changing some of the policies in order to give trusted publishers the benefit of the doubt. Google spells out what invalid traffic and click fraud is here....
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Sometimes SEO’s like myself get tired of hearing (for the past 10 years or so) that SEO is dead and that something else will take its place. Well, SEO is not dead, just evolving. Brad Miller at Search Engine Watch has a good take on how SEO is evolving by way of Search Marketing Integration....
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As more and more Web use goes mobile, web design must be responsive to the new needs of users and the companies whose sites they will access. The work is refined quite often, and designers must become adept at the many different preferences their users demand. In addition to companies who request “iPhone websites”, the...
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Is this another iteration of the Ghosts of Google past? In November 2003, the Florida update had online merchants and SEO’s reeling right before Christmas time. Winners and losers made a lot of noise during the holiday season that year. But, the burning question is could there be another Google update upon us this Cyber...
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There is a new search engine that is catching a lot of eyes recently. It’s called Million Short and it reaches out to smaller websites. The theory behind Million Short is that major search engine rankings are dominated by larger, older websites and thus many smaller, yet quality websites are all but invisible. Million Short...
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Over the years I’ve heard various people say that you should treat your website as if the search engines didn’t exist. The theory behind this assertion is that you don’t want your website to become search engine dependent or that by some magic the search engines will treat your website more favorably in the results...
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I started doing SEO in 1999 on a part-time basis on my own websites. And about 5 years after that it became my full-time business. But, back in 1999 I actually hired an SEO consultant to work on my website. And, I inadvertently sabotaged the SEO work by rewriting all of the repetitive keyword laden...
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