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Kevin Kantola
There should be a sad song written about this one. Yesterday, Godaddy had a massive Internet outage and the hacker group Anonymous has taken credit for that. Of course at this writing Godaddy hasn’t fully acknowledged the hack attack. They are saying the outage was due to a “…corruption of network router tables.” Now, Godaddy...
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Google has had two major series of updates recently. One has been name Panda and the other one Penguin. They both target low-quality website and intend on dropping them in the rankings and promoting higher quality websites. Panda Update The intent of the Google Panda update is to drop low-quality websites in the rankings such...
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In the past, spokespeople for Google have stated that there is no such thing as an “over optimization penalty”. In the past they have also stated there is such a thing as an over SEO penalty. So, which is it? It doesn’t matter because in unusual fashion Google has announced an upcoming change to their...
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On September 22, 2011 two of the largest brand names on the Internet and in television will be presenting the Republican debates. Fox News will be holding the debates in Orlando, Florida and will be assisted by Google’s property Youtube. Youtube and CNN had teamed up in the past for presidential debates but there were...
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Okay, so no many things in the SEO world are so clear cut. The dashes (as in hyphens) or underscores in URLs question has been a long running one. But when it comes to clarity we turn to Matt Cutts of Google who says to use dashes. Now what is the reasoning behind this? According...
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Nobody likes moving day especially me. But, that’s what it is if you have Yahoo Ads running and you want to (or not) port them over to the Microsoft Bing AdCenter Interface. We knew it was coming. Microsoft announced several months back that this would be happening and to their credit they are giving us...
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If over the past few months you’ve noticed your social news, press releases and local listings lagging, you probably thought that Google was asleep at the wheel. The world’s most used search engine has officially rolled out the Google Caffeine update. According to Google, however, this update is not an algorithm change. Caffeine is able...
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Because of a WiFi privacy breach search giant Google has decided to start encrypting data in the coming weeks. The problem was revealed in Ireland as part of the Street View service. According to the Official Google Blog, “This incident highlights just how publicly accessible open, non-password-protected WiFi networks are today. Earlier this year, we...
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Microsoft and Yahoo have done the dirty deal, so to speak, last summer and decided to join forces in search. The Microsoft buyout of Yahoo search means more competition at least according to the U. S. Department of Justice. Do you trust antitrust? In this case, yes. Not, that Google is some giant “do no...
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Lately, I’ve been putting a great deal of emphasis on security for my PC and websites. Adware, spyware, viruses and hackers abound on the Internet so it only makes sense to at least have a firewall and good virus software on one’s PC. Data encryption is also something may people consider to order to make...
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