Customers often ask their search engine optimization professionals for guarantees before signing up. This is understandable since the customer is spending a considerable amount of money in order to improve their rankings and bring more targeted traffic to their website. What customers who are new to SEO, don’t often understand, though is that SEO professionals...Read More
The Google www versus non-www versions of the same domain names issue has plagued many websites much to the chagrin of the webmasters and Internet business owners. In a nutshell, this means that Google sees and as two different websites with different pages that don’t perfectly match and penalizes the site for having...Read More
There is a lot of confusion about the practice of buying text links. Some of the major services have been Google-slapped to engaging such a practice dropping to oblivion in the rankings. But is buying all text links bad? No, but let me give a short lesson on bad vs. good text link buying. First,...Read More
Many people new to blogging wonder just what the benefits are and how this helps SEO. I’m going to give you my short list of benefits. Fresh content – the search engines like fresh content. Why? Because fresh content is a signal that you actively maintain your website, you try to engage visitors and basically...Read More has decided to roll out RhymeRank saying this new technology will help out rappers and poets and lead Ask into head-to-head competition with the major search engines. According to Ask, “Aspiring rappers and poets are a huge, untapped market,” said lead engineer Keith Hogan. “Someone will win a Grammy one day using this product....Read More
Ask has changed its image lately and added some new tools. The butler was killed off in favor of a new, clean interface (as stated in my last post) with only a Search Tools panel on the right side separating it from Google’s clean interface. Also, now when you do a search there is a...Read More
Well, the butler did it, or apparently didn’t do it according to Ask. Formerly, is now just Ask. Well, just ask, Ask. The butler couldn’t cut the mustard (or Colonel Mustard), so he finally got the ax. Ask, has a whole new cleaner interface now with a fresh new look and a Search Tools...Read More
On the lighter side of things, Search Engine Journal is holding a t-shirt competition with many humorous entries. So far, many of the t-shirt ideas revolve around Google and PageRank as can be expected, but some wander off into other areas as well. You can also check out my entries, number 56 on the list....Read More
In order to be a part of the Chinese search market, Google will need to censor certain results from the eyes of the searchers. This is according to Google co-founder, Sergey Brin. At the World Economic Forum in DAVOS, Switzerland, Brin said that Google has had a change of heart and will now censor some...Read More
U. S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has sent a subpoena to Google to compel Google to turn over data in the form of search queries conducted on the Google search engine. So far, Yahoo and MSN have complied with their own separate subpoenas, but Google has refused. The U. S. Attorney General’s office has issued...Read More
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