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Kevin Kantola
Well, it’s the beginning of the new year and the beginning of the next quarter. So, this typically means that a Google PR update is imminent. By all accounts, right now, though, all looks quite on the Google-front. On a separate note, it appears that the Big Daddy update at Google / AOL has also...
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Well, I don’t usually report on this sort of thing, but there has just been announced a new SEO contest in the works similar to the “nigritude ultramarine” contest a few years back. The new keyword phrase will be announced on January 15, 2005 at noon, PST. This new SEO contest targets Google and the...
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Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah and a most Merry Kwanza! I hope it has been a good year for everyone from an SEO and Internet marketing perspective. My wishes are that for 2006 we all find the prosperity we are all looking for online and continue to build upon what we’ve learned in 2005....
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There is a debate raging right now about whether or not publishers should or should not have sponsored links on their websites. Jeremy Zawodny of Yahoo gives sponsored links the thumbs up and Matt Cutts of Google gives them the thumbs down. Many publishers feel that they have the right to monetize their own websites...
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When Yahoo lost the bid to acquire Voice Over IP service provider Skype to online auctioneer, eBay, it decided to taken on Skype head on. Yahoo has decided to add on some Skype-like services to its Yahoo Messenger service. Like Skype, Yahoo Messenger already offers free worldwide PC-to-PC calling. Yahoo has decided to add a...
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I’ve heard a lot of discussion recently on whether there is indeed a duplicate content penalty within the search engines, particularly Google. The short answer for me is yes, under some circumstances. Some critics have pointed out that the duplicate content penalty is merely a myth and that a search engine such as Google wouldn’t...
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Most people who have businesses on the Internet know about Google and Yahoo / Overture PPC programs. These are considered first tier advertising programs for those who need to receive targeted traffic to their website. Google and Yahoo / Overture also have publisher programs so that web publishers can place ads on their websites and...
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First there was PageRank, then TrustRank and now there is Spam Mass. Because today’s algorithms rely more upon off-page factors such as back linking, spammers have taken advantage of this by putting up tens, hundreds and even thousands of spam site all aimed at delivering links back to a host site, improving its PageRank and...
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With the latest Google and Yahoo updates I’ve heard many people say they think reciprocal linking is dead and it’s a waste of time to trade links now. I’ve even heard that it may be unsafe to trade links. I think differently. Reciprocal linking may now have been devalued somewhat but that does not mean...
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The Little Engine That Could, AskJeeves has upgraded their desktop search application. One of the most interesting aspects of this upgrade is not the upgrade itself but how they define search on the desktop versus search on the web. According to Jeeves, search on the web involves some sort of “social relevance” to put results...
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