AskJeeves takes an early summer vacation and buys Excite Europe in an effort to expand its overseas operations. AskJeeves had previously bought the U. S. Excite counterpart in March 2004. Excite is a well-known brand name in the search arena, opening its doors in 1995. According to the AskJeeves press release, “The acquisition of Excite...Read More
The recently released Google Desktop Search for Enterprise is aimed at helping business employees find what they need quickly. According to CNET, the appliance is targeted to “helping workers more quickly find information on the Web, in their computer hard drives and e-mail inboxes, as well as on corporate intranets.” The Enterprise Edition is based...Read More
Recently, its been reported that some adult Webmasters are spamming their own sites with different combinations of numbers, hoping to cash in on searchers looking for various sets and sequences of numbers. For instance, some people will plug their delivery service tracking numbers in the search engines and pull up results. Their results most likely...Read More
Local search is becoming more and more relevant to users. I speak from experience since most of my customers now days are finding my SEO company through doing local searches. Apparently, even in the Internet Age, people still prefer to shop locally. Many will jump online and go to their favorite search engine, type in...Read More
Yahoo! Says, “I Got The Music In Me.” Napster and iPod beware. Yahoo! has just rolled out Yahoo Music Unlimited with pricing that undercuts the market by one-third. While Napster charges $14.95 per month for unlimited access to it’s music catalog, Yahoo Music Unlimited is charges just $4.99 per month. This price includes access to...Read More
Google has introduced its new Web Accelerator beta, which is supposed to “help web pages show up in a snap.” Designed for DSL and Cable users, this new product is supposed to make results appear even more quickly. Sorry, 56K modem users. Unfortunately, the beta has now been closed to the public. This posting appears...Read More
A fellow named, Philipp Lenssen, reported in his Google Blogoscoped weblog that long-time holder of the number 1 spot in Google for the coveted search term “search engine optimization”, SEO Inc. has received a penalty from Google and falling from the top rankings into oblivion. Actually, Mr. Lenssen reported that SEO Inc. had been banned...Read More
According to an article in MyWay, AskJeeves’ Chief Executive Steve Berkowitz announced that his search engine will be cutting the amount of ads it shows atop the results pages by 31-percent. The report also states, “The company’s tests show that a smaller number of ads boosts the frequency with which people use the site and...Read More
I spy with my little eye some spyware on a lawyer’s PC. Not a good move according to New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer who is suing Internet marketer, Intermix for placing spyware on millions of PC’s including 3.7 million downloads on New Yorker’s PC’s alone. According to an article in Yahoo! News, “Spitzer’s civil...Read More
Google is beta testing its new site-targeted AdWords feature so that advertisers may pick the websites on which they want their Google ads to appear. According to Google, “Since Google first introduced AdWords, advertisers have asked us for the ability to run their ads on specific websites. Site targeting gives our users that ability, while...Read More
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