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Kevin Kantola
Chess great Bobby Fisher recently emerged from Japan, escaping to Iceland to avoid U. S. authorities. Even Bobby would be amused with the chess match that search engines and SEO’s play on a daily basis. This is especially true when it comes to linking. In the old days, websites didn’t have to have links from...
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Well, its that time of the year again, the end of the first quarter and strange oddities are happening with Google. The SERP’s (Search Engine Results Pages) are burping, bouncing and bandying about as they have tended to do every quarter now for the past year or so. In the SEO forums, there is quite...
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According to a press release in the Topix blog, Tribune Company, Gannett and Knight Ridder have jointly acquired 75 percent of Ownership among the three of the largest news organizations in the country are split evenly with each company gaining a 25 percent stake. According to Rich Skrenta, CEO and co-founder of, “This...
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U. S. media mogul and entrepreneur, Barry Diller is acquiring AskJeeves search engine for $1.85 billion according to the BBC News Online and the LA Times. Diller heads up IAC/InterActive, which is 10 times the size of AskJeeves and owns other popular properties such as,,, and So, if you’re looking...
Read More (Microsoft) search engine has recently announced two new programs for courting advertisers. First, according to the Detroit News, Microsoft will be testing its MSN adCenter in France and Singapore within the next 6 months. Currently, MSN serves up sponsored ads on their search results pages which are delivered by Yahoo! – Overture (or YO!...
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First, it was the French flap over Google putting great books of the world (including French) online, then it was the French AdSense publishers threatening to boycott Google, and now Agence France Presse (AFP) is suing Google for indexing their news pages. This Rabbit Redux copyright lawsuit means AFP wants Google to stop showing snippets...
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According to a story in BBC News, hackers have hijacked over 1 million computers worldwide in order to conducts Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, Spamming, Google AdSense abuse and identity theft. According to BBC News, “The huge number was revealed by security researchers who have spent months tracking more than 100 networks of remotely-controlled machines....
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MSN has just announced its Search Champs v.2 program will be taking place in April 2005. In October 2004, MSN hosted the first round of Search Champs, calling upon experts from around the world (and even spammers) to help them fine-tune their new search engine technology before roll out in January 2005. In the first...
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Due to some recent criticisms on my part regarding the major search engines, I now feel compelled to set the record straight on where I am coming from in regards to the SE’s. Search engines are good and I’m a big fan. That’s it. Simple as that. But like any passionate fan, I can be...
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New search engine FactBites is chewing up the competition. FactBites is a refreshing new search engine that is different from all the rest. Do one search and the first thing you’ll notice is no advertising, just results. The second thing you’ll notice is how the results appear. Generally the results are arranged with title on...
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