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Kevin Kantola
There is another interesting thread in that talks about how websites are being hijacked by unscrupulous webmasters and the Google Police are asleep at their desks, with “Do Not Disturb” signs on their doors. According to the thread, websites with Page Rank 5 or below are being targeted by criminal Webmasters, which tank their...
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Both Google and MSN each have their respected sandboxes though the difference between them is like night and day. The Google Sandbox is an unofficial name dubbed by those outside of Google for where new websites go to languish for the next 8 months until they suddenly pop up into the rankings. The MSN Sandbox...
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SEO Inc. has been a mainstay in the number one position in Google for the coveted search term “search engine optimization” for as long as I can remember. Now SubmitExpress has taken over that position. So, one can view this as normal search engine fluctuation or variation, and yes, this is possible. But with the...
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On a thread in it was pointed out by Adam C that Google may be using black hat techniques such as cloaking and keyword stuffing in order to achieve high rankings for its own pages. If this is true, then it violates Google’s own Terms of Service agreement. I wonder if this means that...
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According to a thread in the forum, GoogleGuy has stated that Google is testing and improving its software to put the kibosh on rank checkers and automated programmatic queries. This move by Google is to thwart viruses and Trojan horses on a user’s PC that are sending automated queries to Google. GoogleGuy states, “Recently,...
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According to a Reuters article on, Chinese ecommerce company, Alibaba is launching a new online payment service that it is calling Alipay. Alibaba hopes that Alipay will become the default online payment method throughout China and all of Asia. In a country where cash is still king, Alibaba Chief Executive Jack Ma told Reuters...
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Google has just launched their most recent service of a long line of services this past 6 months and this one gives a weather report for whatever city or zip code is typed in. For instance, typing in Laguna Beach, CA on today, March 7, 2005 gives a 4 day forecast of sunny and bright...
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In the department of “Where are they now?” Lycos has reared its head to announce that they have selected AskJeeves to supply them with search technology, replacing the Yahoo Inktomi technology they are currently using. Lycos, which was once one of the big powerhouse search engines, has in recent years been but a blip on...
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According to a press release in, a DoubleClick report states that more than half of online buyers make purchases online on average 2 weeks or more after their initial product research. This revelation in buyer behavior bodes well for the patient marketer. It also bodes well for affiliate marketers whose cookies give credit for...
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Search marketing firms Enquiro and and eye tracking firm Eyetools have conducted a joint study that confirms what newspaper and magazine publishers have known for years: above the folder is better. According to Did It’s Kevin Lee, “At this point, we weren’t too surprised at what we’ve seen in the study. We suspected much...
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