Microsoft announced today that it has developed a new home search utility code-named “OpenGates.” Not to be out done by Google and Yahoo! in the desktop search wars, Microsoft has gone one step further. According to vice president of Content Development and Delivery Group (CDDG) at Microsoft, Dick Kaplan, “OpenGates has teamed up with wireless...Read More
Google’s vice president of corporate marketing, Cindy McCaffrey, is the first top executive to leave after the IPO. After 5 years with the search giant, McCaffrey has decided to take her IPO jackpot and go off and do nothing. Way to go, Cindy! All that hard work meant you contributed to the great success of...Read More
Well, it looks like the holiday business blues are over and business is picking up again as SEO Firm has been receiving many inquiries this week about our SEO services. On the personal side, the local fitness club is filled with people trying to make good on their New Year’s resolution to get in shape....Read More
Since I run SEO Firm, many things cross my mind during a given day. As I’m sipping my coffee now, I’ve been thinking back to a thread on one of the message board stating that someone from Google (perhaps GoogleGuy) inferred that the PR toolbar indicator was developed and deployed with the intent of being...Read More
Well, its about blogging time! With all the talk about blogs for the last 6 months, it was finally time for this SEO firm to get onboard. While SEO Firm does not like to be on the bleeding edge of technology, we know a good thing when we see it. So welcome to our blog...Read More
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