Recently, its been reported that some adult Webmasters are spamming their own sites with different combinations of numbers, hoping to cash in on searchers looking for various sets and sequences of numbers. For instance, some people will plug their delivery service tracking numbers in the search engines and pull up results. Their results most likely...Read More
Local search is becoming more and more relevant to users. I speak from experience since most of my customers now days are finding my SEO company through doing local searches. Apparently, even in the Internet Age, people still prefer to shop locally. Many will jump online and go to their favorite search engine, type in...Read More
I spy with my little eye some spyware on a lawyer’s PC. Not a good move according to New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer who is suing Internet marketer, Intermix for placing spyware on millions of PC’s including 3.7 million downloads on New Yorker’s PC’s alone. According to an article in Yahoo! News, “Spitzer’s civil...Read More
Every once in a blue moon a new free tool comes along that is so useful for Webmasters and SEO specialists that it just has to be written about. A company called has come up with such a free tool for checking a website’s back links. This back link checker adds a couple of...Read More
Adobe Systems, Inc. has released a press release stating that Adobe is in the process of acquiring Macromedia for $3.4 billion dollars with the deal to close this Fall 2005. According to Adobe, “The combination of Adobe and Macromedia will provide customers a more powerful set of solutions for creating, managing and delivering compelling content...Read More
Both the L. A. Daily News and the Los Angeles Times have run stories regarding a company called Optin Global Inc., which has been given a temporary restraining order from a San Francisco judge in regards to allegedly sending out spam emails. The judge has also frozen their assets. The Federal Trade Commission made the...Read More
According to a story in, AOL has unveiled its top keyword searches for Spring 2005, which gives insight into what consumers are looking for as they get ready for the Summer season. BusinessWire says, “The results are based on the people and topics that received the highest volume of online queries nationally on AOL...Read More
Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, the old Monte Python bit goes. And so goes angry public sentiment over email SPAM and those who do the spamming. According to an article in the Washington Post, Spammer Jeremy Jaynes was the first person convicted of a felony for spamming and handed a 9-year sentence. The trial was conducted...Read More
According to an article in Database Pipeline, The Web’s Biggest search engine is claiming that it searches more websites than any other search engine including Google. The Web’s Biggest uses the Whois database to conduct its searches and the Whois database contains all of the registered Internet domain names. According to The Web’s Biggest, “Other...Read More
According to an article in Excite, a class-action lawsuit has been filed against Google, Yahoo!, AOL, Lycos, AskJeeves and other search engines regarding click fraud and collusion. Lane’s Gifts & Collectibles LLC from Texarkana, Arkansas lead the plaintiff team in the lawsuit. The story first broke through the Wall Street Journal yesterday and today they...Read More
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