Keyword stuffing in Google My Business (GMB) is decades old. And by “keyword stuffing” I mean adding keywords to the official business name in order to rank better. For instance, a company may add the term “services” to the end of their business name in order to rank better. More recently Google has been penalizing...Read More
The conventional wisdom in the SEO community for years has been that Google only uses the first 60 – 70 characters of the title tag. This wisdom is so conventional that tools such as Yoast and All in One SEO Pack even warn about going beyond this limit. If you Google the term “length of...Read More
Google has announced that as of May 2021 Core Web Vitals is going to be a huge ranking factor. So, let’s get to it! There are three main user interactions and specific page speed measurements that support Core Web Vitals. The list includes cumulative layout shift, first input delay, and largest contentful paint. In simple...Read More
In the Google search engine results pages (SERPs) and new feature has rolled out to let users find out more about a website without going to the site. Next to the title in the results you’ll see a vertical ellipsis and when you click on this more info will appear. According to Google, “When available,...Read More
Google has recently announced that they have made a few interesting updates to the Google Search Console (GSC). With this recent update, people can get more focused insights about existing issues with their pages so that they can solve them quickly to solve indexing issues. What Changes to GSC Have Been Made? Google said that...Read More
Back in the day, people used to say “leggo my eggo!” Nowadays, on the Internet, this has evolved to “leggo my GMB!” According to Google, hijacking of Google My Business (GMB) listings are on the rise, so website owners have to stay vigilant that this has not happened to them. According to Search Engine Land,...Read More
I’ve long believed that the meta description tag on websites have not been used as a ranking factor in Google. In fact, over the years I’ve conducted tests on this and found it to be true for my own websites. However, now Google’s Martin Splitt has tweeted out a confusing message the contradicts this line...Read More
Google Images recently received an update which gives more context to the images that one is searching. This kind of info benefits website owners who optimize the images on the site and will drive more traffic to the website. According to Google: “Starting this week, a new feature makes it easy to find quick facts...Read More
According to Google’s John Mueller, the rankings for new website could fluctuate wildly for the first year. This is because new sites are being compared to older, established sites on the Internet and ranked in relation to them. According to Mueller: “I think if your website is just, let’s say, a couple of months old,...Read More
Well slap me silly and call me Sally. After 20+ years of Google wishing SEO’s would just go away, during this pandemic, the search giant has caught a fever-stoked delirium and changed its tune. Earlier this week, on their Webmaster Central Blog, Google posted an article titled, “Showcasing the value of SEO.” WTF, people...Read More
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