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Page Experience Update for Desktop Rolls Out in Google

Page Speed Insights

Google has finally started rolling out the latest page experience update for desktop search and desktop webpages as well. As per the spokesperson from Google, this update will continue to come into the market for several weeks with a slow rollout and is expected to complete by the last week of March 2022.

Advance notice about this rollout was given earlier in November 2021 while conveying that it is an important page experience update. It was first rolled out to improve mobile search results, however, the modifications will be applicable to the desktop search starting in February 2022.

Experts have reported a few essential differences between the application of page experience to desktop and mobile search.

Page experience update for desktop

The desktop update of Google Page Experience will include all the relevant signals from the mobile version, except the mobile-friendly appearance of the page. You might be already aware of the fact that while making the mobile search, it is required to have page dimensions as per the size of the device screen. But no such screen size adjustment is required in the case of the desktop screen.

The most essential factors that one needs to handle while managing page experience update for desktop are the absence of intrusive interstitials, HTTPS security, first input delay, cumulative layout shift, and largest contentful paint.

What do you need to know about page experience?

Google has already developed a detailed document over user page experience criteria, however, in simple terms, these metrics are focused on how the user will perceive a specific web page while initiating a search online. It includes considerations such as loading speed of the page, presence of intrusive ads, HTTPS-based working, and if the page content jumps around while the page is loading.

Page experience focuses on several aspects based on the Google search ranking and these refinements are usually based on Core Web Vitals of Google. Note that Google stopped working on the safe browsing factor from the previous year while putting more emphasis on the page experience update.

The professionals at Google believe that with this new page experience rollout, users will experience several drastic changes. Although this latest update is designed to improve the search experience of the end-users on the engine, it also considers many other aspects to improve the journey of users.

The interested users can pick the detailed report from Google to understand the exact information behind this page experience rollout. It may help them to take up their business to a whole new level with the new changes. It is expected that this new update will be equally useful for end-users and business owners as well. The desktop search rankings in the future will be directly influenced by the user page experience.




About the author

SEO and Digital Marketing guru behind SEO First.

