Pay Per Click advertising (sometimes called Search Engine Marketing, or SEM) is a powerful tool that you can use to promote your products or services. If your goal is to increase your online visibility, generate leads, drive traffic to your site, and boost sales, then pay per click (PPC) can help you achieve all those objectives.
To be able to achieve the above listed goals, it is important that you understand how PPC advertising works. In addition, it is imperative that you understand how you can optimize your ads so that you can make full use of your budget and attract your target audience.
By reading on, you are going to gain insights on what PPC advertising means, and how it works. You will also learn how to use Google Ads, and why you should use PPC to grow your business.
What is Pay Per Click Advertising?
Pay Per Click Advertising, also known as PPC, is an online advertising strategy where a business places an advertisement online and pays every time a user clicks on it.
In essence, a marketer designs an ad with the aim of drawing attention to a product, service or brand. The ad is then run on a search engine or a social media platfrom, where it is shown to users based on their browsing behaviors or user search.
What’s more, the brand only pays when a click happens, and that is why it is known as pay per click.
Categories of Pay Per Click Advertising
PPC Advertising is divided into:
This refers to advertisements that show up on search engine results pages, also known as SERPs.
This refers to advertisements that show up as videos, paid posts, or graphics. These types of ads are usually found on third-party websites and social media feeds.
Pay Per Click Platforms
There are various PPC platforms including Google Ads, Google Display Network, Facebook, Twitter, Bing, LinkedIn, among others. However, today we will focus on Google Ads, and Google Display Network.
What is Google Ads?
Previously known as Google Adwords, Google Ads is Google’s own advertising service. It enables you to advertise in the Google search engine, as well as on other Google affiliate sites. Google Ads makes use of text ads, which typically appear when people use keywords related to what your brand is offering.
For your ads to be displayed in front of prospective clients, and for Google to make money, you will be required to bid on specific or relevant keywords that you want your ads to trigger.
Benefits of Google Ads
What is Google Display Network?
Google Display Network, or GDN, is another way of displaying your visual or display ads. As the name suggests, Google Display Network refers to a network of sites where Google can display ads. Clicks on display networks tend to be cheaper than those on the search network.
Do You Need PPC for Your Business?
Below are reasons why your business could benefit from PPC ads:
If you already have SEO in place, but your website is still ranking low for certain keywords, then you need PPC. Investing in PPC enables you to target keywords for which you are unable to rank. It takes your brand to the top of the search page and helps to increase traffic to your site.
Pay per click advertising is a great way of alerting your target audience about your new service, product, or brand. PPC allows you to display the pages you want, which means that you can advertise your new product or service directly.
If your website is on the first page of Google, but the click-through rate is frustrating, PPC may be the answer. It will help you increase your online presence in search results. In addition, PPC allows you to tailor-make your ad’s message, thus giving you an opportunity to target your preferred audience.
PPC remarketing ads can help you remarket your products to interested customers.
In Conclusion
Regardless of the industry you are in, PPC advertising can help your bisiness grow. The advertising options we have addressed above are a great tool for driving your marketing goals. In addition, they can help you promote your products, services, or business more effectively. And of course if you need help then visit our Contact Us page and we will help you out!
One of the great aspects of Google PPC advertising is that it integrates well with Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Customers can see in real time how their PPC advertising campaigns are performing. Tweaks can be made to ads, keywords and targeting in order to optimize the campaigns, save money and enhance sales.
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Far far away, behind the word mounta ins, far from the countries Vokalia and Conson antia, there live the blind texts.
Far far away, behind the word mounta ins, far from the countries Vokalia and Conson antia, there live the blind texts.
Far far away, behind the word mounta ins, far from the countries Vokalia and Conson antia, there live the blind texts.
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